
I have lived my entire life outdoors with my brother and other feral cats who showed up in our “hood.” Sadly my brother passed away last year. I was left all by myself. My guardian angels have always fed us and provided feral cat houses for shelter. The brutal February 2019 polar vortex came and I was alone, cold and tired. My guardian angel said, “Enough.”  She brought me in out of the cold. I am now living indoors. I am a senior boy who wishes nothing more than to lay on your bed and sun myself. I would prefer a quiet home without dogs or small children. I enjoy being petted and loved. Looking for a quiet calm boy? Here I am!

UPDATE: 3.20.19 Sadly, when taken to the veterinarian, Bo was found to be FIV positive, along with some other health challenges. He was helped to pass over the Rainbow Bridge. RIP, Bo. You were a sweet boy.

My ears are a little “funky” because I have suffered frostbite when the temperatures were below zero. I’m so grateful to be in a warm place now.

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