This handsome tuxedo-clad boy is a Manx. Easton has almost no tail at all. He is very sweet and also a little shy but once he warms up to you he is the best snuggle buddy. He was born March 3, 2019.
Easton’s mother Snowshoe was found as a stray in Shelby, Montana. A nice lady took Snowshoe in when she realized this beauty was pregnant. Snowshoe gave birth to six little Manx kittens, but unfortunately, two died right after birth for unknown reasons. Because of this, the lady did not feel comfortable caring for Snowshoe and her family, so she asked Pet Paw-see for help. Snowshoe’s remaining four kittens, Easton, Ernie, Emmie and Evie did well in their new Pet Paw-see foster home.
Easton has really come out of his shell as he’s gotten older. He’s not very shy anymore and has quite the personality. He loves to purr, play and is full of energy. Adopted 7.20.19.