James Dean

**Meet James Dean** – the charming little rebel of the litter! This striking black kitten may be the only one of his kind among his siblings, but he’s ready to steal the show with his captivating personality. Found at a landfill alongside three of his siblings, James Dean is on a journey to discover what it means to be loved. While one sibling and their mom are still out there, James Dean is soaking up all the affection in his cozy foster home, learning to trust humans and embrace life as a pampered house cat.

Much like his Hollywood namesake, James Dean has a flair for the dramatic and a heart full of potential. He’s looking for a forever home where he can shine and continue to grow.

**Important Note:** For the safety of both James Dean and any little ones in your home, we kindly ask that adopters have children over the age of six. If you’re ready to welcome this little star into your life, don’t hesitate to reach out!

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