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Are you the “catrovert” to my introvert? My name is Mackenzie and I was adopted in 2015 as a (VERY) cute little kitten. I lived with my pet parent until last year when my mom made the difficult decision to return me to Pet Paw-see because she had to move out of state. Although it’s what was best, this change has been very hard on me. I am a bit of a shy introvert, or wallflower if you will, so going from an environment I’ve known my whole life—a warm, comfortable, quiet home with just me and my person—to living at Central West in a kennel with lots of weird people and animals coming and going at all times has been extremely overwhelming. I have a nice box and blanket here that I like to sit in because it makes me feel safe, but unfortunately, that also means that I am often overlooked despite the stunning personality hiding behind my shyness. When I am in a quiet environment and feel safe, my personality blossoms and I am quite the loving little gal who just wants to be the apple of your eye. I really wish people wouldn’t judge a book by its cover and get to know the true me, because I am desperately waiting for my own home and person … I miss that so very much😿.

Patience is a virtue.

Since I’ve been patiently waiting for a home, do you think you could give me a chance and be patient while I work on coming out of my shell? The best things in life take time, and I promise, I’ll be the best thing in your life if you take a chance on me and have patience!

Mackenzie is at Petsmart as of February 22! Come meet this shy little girl and give her a chance.

Mackenzie’s baby portrait from 2015.





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