
Black & White

Mungojerrie and his littermate Skimbleshanks were probably born outdoors to a feral or community cat in mid- to late August 2018. They were rescued from the challenging life of a feral cat in mid-October. Mungojerrie is more independent than Skimbleshanks and loves to play and wrestle with his brother. He is a beautiful long-haired cat with four white paws and wonderful white fur on his chest and belly and a cute black dot on his chin. The kittens have been around adult cats but no dogs.  ADOPTED 7.1.19

Skimbleshanks and his brother Mungojerrie, March 18, 2019. We are now about 6 months old. We are ready to come home with you!!!
I have a very long tail. This is me hanging out at Petsmart on March 18, 2019.
I like to use my scratching poles.




So cute with his hat made by Jennie Gresham!
Photo taken 12.31.18
Photo taken 12.31.18
Photo taken 12.31.18
Photo taken 12.12.18
Photo taken December 5, 2018.
This is my baby picture from October 2018.

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