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Finding Nemo…a Fur-ever Family!

Howdy! I’m Nemo, although everyone ‘round these parts calls me a lovebug so much that I’m starting to think that’s really my name. I got a little too carried away chasing the ladies and found myself lost on Vineyard Road in the middle of a blizzard with an injured paw. A Pet Paw-see volunteer rescued me in the nick of time and got me to the vet where they fixed my paw up and neutered me. Now that my days of chasing the ladies are over, I’m ready to settle down with that purr-fect family who I can love fur-ever.

The Pet Paw-see folks say I am the total package–handsome, smart, loving, devoted– if you’re looking for that elusive perfect man, look no further! I’m an extremely affectionate, easygoing guy so my requirements are simple: a warm lap, a hand to pet me, and some tasty cat food. In return, I will keep your lap warm, and massage you as I knead my paws and “make biscuits.” I also promise to show you undying devotion and stick with you for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health. I’m ready for a serious commitment, are you? If so, will you…adopt me?

Unfortunately, my days of gallivanting in the outdoors have left me FeLV positive. Because of this, I can’t live with other cats unless they are also FeLV positive. I CAN live with humans and any other species just fine though because FeLV is only transmittable between cats, so don’t let my diagnosis deter you! With proper medical care and an indoor home that will keep me safe from disease and infection, I can have years ahead of me to dote on my special family.

I have so much love to share and it’s a shame it’s going to waste with me sitting here in a kennel instead of my very own home, so if you think you can handle a hunk of burning love like me, call the Pet Paw-see to set up a date!

To learn more about FeLV, click here.

Adopted June 7, 2020!

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