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We had received a call from a family that had a sick kitten in need of help. Two of our volunteers went to the family’s home and it was determined Oreo Hunter needed immediate help. In love, the family surrendered the kitten to our care. Oreo Hunter was taken directly to our Vet.
It was determined he was very under weight, he was treated and released. Our vet felt only time would tell the definitive diagnosis. We made a follow up appointment for one month.
Oreo Hunter attended our Adoption Event at Pet Smart. Because of this boy’s personality and darling look, many people were visiting with him.
As Oreo Hunter was visiting with the public, his Guardian Angel appeared. With many kittens at our adoption event, Rosetta saw Oreo Hunter and knew this “special boy” was meant to be in her life. It was explained that Oreo Hunter may not be with us long not knowing the extent of his illness. Unselfishly, Rosetta said she would give him love for whatever time he had. Oreo Hunter was placed in the loving care of his Guardian Angel.
Last Monday, Oreo Hunter was seen by our Vet. He had gained a little weight however the Vet feared the diagnosis was FIP. (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) There are two types of this disease and Oreo Hunter was showing signs of the “dry” form. Unfortunately there is no “cure”.
Yesterday evening, we received a call stating Oreo Hunter was in the emergency clinic. His little body couldn’t fight the disease. With his loving mom holding him, purring until his life left his body, Oreo Hunter crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
Thank you Rosetta for opening your heart and your home to Oreo Hunter. There are no words to express how greatful we are to people like you. I know if Oreo Hunter could have spoken to you, he would have said “Thank you.”