
Meet Smudge, a captivating four-year-old Tabbico cat with a personality as unique as her striking coat. Smudge has spent the past two years with us, waiting for that special someone who understands her quirks and appreciates her independent spirit.

This lovely lady is not your typical lap cat; she shows affection on her terms. While she may not be a cuddle bug, when she does choose to grace you with her attention, it’s a special moment you won’t forget.

Smudge has made it clear that she’s not a fan of other feline companions, so she’s looking for a home where she can be the sole star of the show. She might, however, be open to sharing her space with a calm and quiet dog โ€“ a potential furry friend who won’t disrupt her peaceful kingdom.

It’s important to note that Smudge has some boundaries, and she’ll let you know when she’s had enough attention. When overstimulated, she might resort to swapping or gentle nips. This is her way of saying, “Give me some space, please.”

Interestingly, Smudge seems to have a preference for men, but with the right approach, she could bond with a patient and understanding woman as well.

If you’re in the Great Falls area and looking for a feline companion who marches to the beat of her own purr, come visit Smudge at the Great Falls PetSmart. She’s ready to find her forever home, ideally with no children under six and someone who appreciates her unique charms.

Smudge is waiting to meet you at the Petsmart habitat!
Smudge is quite happy to walk on a leash. She’s been at Petsmart quite a while and would love to take up going for walks again!


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