
tabby kitten
Hi my name is Tigger, I want you to know a little bit about me.  I am a tiny kitten with a big personality.  I love to play with my foster siblings Sadie and Beenz.  They are two very patient and kind dogs.  I also like to chase my foster parents around the house.  My favorite toys are small balls I can chase around the house.  I also love to jump on large pieces of paper because it makes noise.  My foster parents let me have the run of the house which I love because exploring is so fun.  When I’m tired a soft chair or kitty bed are my favorite places to sleep.  I am litter box trained and very smart.  I would love a forever home where I can roam freely in the house but stay inside.  My ideal family would be humans that love to play.  I need plenty of affection and attention with patience because I am still growing and learning.  I am also adorable and affectionate.

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