

Travis is a very friendly guy who was trying to survive outdoors by hanging out with a feral colony. The colony caretaker could see that something was wrong because he was losing weight. So she went into action and was able to get him vet care. It turned out that he had a very bad tooth infection. Once taken care of, Travis has become a big loverboy. He warms up quickly to new people and enjoys the company of other adult cats. He must have had a bad experience with dogs, because he is not a fan of the canine species.

Travis is probably 8 or 9 years old. Because he had a lot of upper respiratory infections while living outdoors, he sounds like he’s “stuffed up.” He will always sound like this, but he isn’t sick or bothered by it. Please consider giving this boy a cozy place in your home and heart!

ADOPTED 10.3.19!


I sure love a soft bed!



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