
UPDATE March 2019: The original adopter has been found and Tristan will be going home.

Photo is from 2014.

I was originally adopted from the Pet Paw-see as a kitten in 2014.  Our lives reconnected when my guardian angel saw me in a huge snowbank at Sam’s Club. She pulled her car over and gently pulled me out of the snow. I was taken to an adoption center as my core temperature was low, I was shivering and in need of help. I was scanned for a microchip and it had been registered with the Pet Paw-see.  I was then rushed to the Vet where x-rays were taken and it was determined I had previous surgery on my hips so I have a different gait.  I also had fluid in my lungs. I must have gotten in the snow bank and was unable to pull myself out due to my hips. I will be at the Vet’s for a period of time to treat my lungs and to keep a watchful eye on me. Through all of this, I am extremely loving and will be looking for my new family.

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