Yo-Yo Paw

Yo-Yo was an intact male hanging out with other community cats near 12th Street and 6th Avenue North. He had a terrible open wound, probably from a cat bite that had abscessed and eventually burst.

A Pet Paw-see volunteer found this 2-year old, friendly guy asking for help. He’s now been tested, vaccinated and neutered, so he’s ready for an indoor home where he can live in safety and never have to fight to get food and feminine companionship. 😉

We’ve discovered that Yo-Yo Paw hates dogs, so he’ll do better in a home without canines.

Yo-Yo Paw was transferred to Animeals where he’ll have a better chance of finding his forever home.



This is the sort of nasty wound a cat can get from the tough outdoor life of an abandoned, homeless and un-neutered cat.
Yo-Yo’s ear is healing nicely.


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